Functional Supply Points FSP-02 and 03 for manual and automatic reconfigurable dual end fed radial feeders are able to act as an open point, in accordance with Network Rail standards NR/L2/SIGELP/27409 issue 2 and NR/L2/SIGELP/27410 issue 2. Assemblies are fitted inside standard Network Rail apparatus cases in accordance with BRS-SM440, as part of a Class II based signalling power distribution system.
The FSP-03 is constructed using fully Class II Modular Sub-assemblies, which may be supplied individually or combined within the standard NR apparatus case, to suit most project applications.
- Available with 9 or 10 functional supply circuits
- Four functional supplies to internal signalling transformers
- Signalling transformers in accordance with NR/L2/SIGELP/30007 Issue 3, available from stock in a variety of sizes, profited and wired on request
- Four outgoing functional supplies up to 95mm² in either Copper or Aluminium
- Class II specification in accordance with BSEN 61439-1:2011
- Optional surge protection available
- Available with Auto-Reconfiguration equipment on request
- Modular construction allows for approved modules to be used in a mix and match architecture, resulting in an optimum solution based on your exact design
- 'Aluminium ready' supporting current Network Rail 'Copper Elimination Initiatives
- Module enclosures environmentally rated to UL746C