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Supplying DITAs

iLECSYS Rail has just supplied three 10kVA and one 15kVA DITAs (Distribution Interface Transformer Assembly) to the Anglia and LNW routes. Each DITA was supplied complete with ATL Transformers’ approved DITA transformers and Bender UK’s monitoring systems, housed in the PADs approved iLECSYS Rail GRP location case. 

The iLECSYS Rail range of DITAs provides ‘innovation at its finest’ when it comes to delivering the most lightweight, compact and environmentally friendly transformer systems to Network Rail’s infrastructure. The DITA is comprised of a full range of approved modules, allowing for a fully optimised solution suited to your exact requirements for both new signalling scheme interfaces and existing legacy applications.

This range has been developed with Network Rail and deployed to support their key strategic improvement schemes such as First Fault Current Reduction, copper elimination, inrush limitations and sustainability charter targets to reduce carbon emissions throughout the network. iLECSYS Rail is currently the only fully approved supplier of DITAs to the UK rail infrastructure. The system fully aligns to NR SIGELP 27419 and is supported by a detailed system and product specification guide.

DITAs can be used to segregate distribution feeders supplied by the PSP, allowing the network length to be reduced and increasing the target earth electrode value. This makes a DITA ideal in installations where it is difficult to construct earth farms, due to soil conditions and access arrangements.

Our Class II modules provide stable power ratings from 5 - 40kVA with single and dual output, multi voltage configurations to cover all regional voltages. They have all received PADs approval to PA05/06430.

Find out more on our DITAs

PA05_06430             DITA Guide     


Give one of our DITA experts a call today on 01844 397 300 to discuss any of your upcoming projects or to request a guide.